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Expert Services for European Works Councils


Our offer:

  • Assistance to European Works Councils and Works Councils on informing, consulting and effective social dialogue (including an assist in negotiating I&C agreement).
  • Analysis of documents given by the employer and the expert opinion as a basis to decision making (financial and strategic data, employment and salary policies, work management models).
  • Consulting negotiation strategies (step-by-step recommendations& to-do’s after obtaining a valid information).
  • Legal advisory (in cases of difficulties in acquiring information permitted by law, lack of I&C agreement or employer’ refusal to provide the information or proper consultation).
  • Translation services (translating the documents and meetings).



Providing clear and understandable picture of the company condition.


Business Model

We are signing the Agreement of Cooperation for at least a year. According to EU Directives, our fees are payable by the company. The fee not including the translation services (tailored separately according to the needs).


About us

We are specializing in advisory and training services for the trade unions and social dialogue institutions. Since over 15 years, the group is providing its services to the clients in European Union and Candidate Countries, focusing on Central and Eastern Europe.



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